WHY music tuition rates fail to keep up with the cost of living RSS
The ISM has, for a number of years, collated information on how much music teachers charge and given a recommended rate for employed, visiting music teachers, currently £26 - 30 per hour, the lower figure of which is invariably cited by employers as being THE definitive rate of pay.
Recommended rates for employed visiting music teachers £ per hour (rest of UK) 26 - 30: ISM Music Journal March/April 2017.
Unfortunately, the ISM's recommended rates of pay are pitifully low and fail to present a detailed payscale that takes fully into account the relative status of teaching and music qualifications, the number of years' active teaching and the teacher's engagement in professional development. The figures do not represent those teachers at the top of the profession who charge - and are wholly justified in charging - substantially more than this.
Classroom teachers enjoy a defined career pathway in which excellence, qualifications, experience and professional status are incrementally rewarded in terms of salary. Instrumental/singing teachers just starting out in the profession may well be highly qualified both as teachers and musicians; they need and deserve a realistic starting rate of pay. More senior colleagues who are vastly experienced and have distinguished standing within the musical community should earn more, as is the case in other professions.
Until a meaningful payscale that reflects both the cost of living and music teachers' professionalism is presented to employers, the status quo will be maintained; all visiting music teachers will continue to be lumped together as 'the peris' and the pay situation will remain the same. The problem, with its attendant beliefs, carries through to parents' attitude towards private music teachers too.
'The current situation revealed by these results needs to change,' says the ISM. Memo to ISM: 'Be the change you want to see'.