What I'm Really Thinking: The Piano Pupil RSS

News / 06/06/2017
What I'm Really Thinking: The Piano Pupil

Now it's your turn!

Did you see our blog, What I'm Really Thinking: The Piano Teacher? It was read by an amazing number of people and sparked off lots of lively comments on social media!  Now, as promised, here's your chance to submit your piano pupil point of view, or your child's point of view, for anonymous publication. Who knows, it may be read by your teacher! 

Adult contributors

If you are an adult piano student, please use the Contact Us form on the E-MusicMaestro website to send your contribution of around 300 - 400 words on or before 17 June.  Please select Other from the dropdown menu and use the title, What I'm Really Thinking: The Piano Student. We'll read all the entries and the winning article will be published on our blog, withholding your name and email address. We reserve the right to edit typos and obvious grammatical errors.

Child contributors

If you are a parent and your child (under age 16) would like to have an article published, please submit their contribution of up to 400 words on or before 17 June.  Using the Contact Us form, please select Other from the dropdown menu and use the title, What I'm Really Thinking: The Piano Pupil. We will choose the winning entry and publish it on our blog. This article could either be anonymous or could include your child' name. You could send a picture if you'd like to have one published - please make sure your child agrees to this first!

In this category please state clearly:

  • I give permission for you to publish my child's article.
  • and EITHER  Please publish my child's name  OR  Please do NOT publish my child's name.

competition rules

There's just one rule - your article must not have been, and must not be, published elsewhere in print or in a blog.

Have i won?

To find out immediately we publish the winning entries, it's easy and free to subscribe to our RSS feed.  Happy writing!

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