Repeated listening can help your child to learn music
You can help your child to learn how to play new pieces and sing new songs by facilitating repeated listening. more
You can help your child to learn how to play new pieces and sing new songs by facilitating repeated listening. more
Parents want to understand more about music practice and how they can help but sometimes there is insufficient communication between teacher and parent. It could help your child's motivation if you were to sit in on music lessons or be there at practice time, but not in every case. more
Ideally, your child's music lesson will be a template for what should be practised at home. When children understand this they are able to practise mindfully. Here's an example of putting that principle into practice. more
"The right kind of practice is not a matter of hours. Practice should represent the utmost concentration of brain ..." Leopold Auer. Find out why some children learn more quickly and easily by comparing good music practice with inefficient practice. more
Finding out what your child actually does in music practice is the first step towards helping him to practise successfully. more
The E-MusicMaestro Parents Blog is a series for 'music parents' who want to help their child to enjoy learning, playing, singing and performing music. The better informed you are, the easier it is to ensure your child has a happy musical journey. In each article, a different aspect of music parenting is explored, taking you further along the path to becoming a Music Parent Marvel! more
The E-MusicMaestro Music Parents Blog is a series for 'music parents' who want to help their child to enjoy learning, playing, singing and performing music. The better informed you are, the easier it is to ensure your child has a happy musical journey. In each article, a different aspect of music parenting is explored, taking you further along the path to becoming a Music Parent Marvel! more