
I would like to say that my daughter and I are enjoying the Grade 3 Aural Tests. The "Need More Help?" section is indeed very useful. What a clever idea. You've done a really good job on this training website. It's all thanks to your helpful website, without which my daughter wouldn't get a perfect Aural Test score.

Rachel Yap

We are hoping to rejoin your site as we begin to study pieces for ABRSM grade 6. Your videos especially were invaluable in helping my 8 year old son get to grade 5 distinction this year. We would be lost without your videos - they enabled us to perfect the pieces between lessons.

Sameena Ahmad

A big thank you for having such a support program for aural. I took my Grade 6 exam yesterday, and - though aural is still my weakest area - I have had more confidence due to this program, which I also enjoy very much! And really, for a learner who exceeds half a century in age, it is really, really a support :)

Sie Siok Hui

I just wanted to say thank you for helping so much with my aural exam. I took my grade seven cello exam earlier this month and scored 17/18 and this is almost solely down to this website.


We have thoroughly enjoyed and valued your site. I shall certainly be renewing in the near future when the next exams are looming. I have also recommended the site to several friends and music teachers.

Anna Jones

I have just discovered your site and I think it is really excellent. I am a singing teacher in London area, although I do teach some piano, and I am particularly impressed with the aural test training. Your tests are so clearly laid out and look very approachable and fun. I'm going to recommend them to all my pupils (and there are plenty of them). Congratulations - it's brilliant!

Hannah O'Hora

Thank you for proving a fantastic service. My daughter is 10 and she loves your website!

Dr Palavalli

My student has completed grade 8 and earned a distinction. This has been a wonderful wonderful tool for me. Thank you.

Barbara Malagraph

E-MusicMaestro is a great resource and the children enjoy using it.

Jane Koramoa

As a music teacher, I must say I think very highly of your aural practice materials. The 'extra help' resources seem ideal to me, extending to the luxury of rich piano harmonies for certain exercises - strictly inessential but a psychic support and inspiration!

Tony D Triggs

I have just taken my Gd IV cello exam and I wanted to say how invaluable I found your website. It was a huge help with the Aural tests and I found that the tests went more smoothly than anything else in the exam! So thank you very much, if I ever take an exam again I will be back!

Trisha Ryan

I'M DEFINITELY INTERESTED as a teacher and student …Thank you for this.

John Kaminski

I checked few tests. They are really interesting. I will definitely recommend this to my friends. 
I will also try to use this link whenever I get a chance.

Timothy Charles

They are really good aural examples - I will definitely pass that on to my students

Rachael Forsyth

This is so helpful...especially for the ABRSM exams.

Natalia Huang
Natalia Huang's Piano Studio

It's a fantastic resource and I would be more than happy to recommend it to pupils and colleagues.

Graham Standley
Lincolnshire Music Service

I liked it -- It was very nicely organized, easy to click on, and I found it was a fun look to the site with the animals and their cute ears. I tested Grade 3 although (as a composer and composition/ear-training teacher) I could have gone to the most Advanced, but that was what I thought would give me a good idea of the program. I will send my far-away student the link as a recommendation. Thank you for putting this together.

Carol Worthey

Thank you for sharing the site. I've look through the aural practices that you have and find it useful for both self practice and learning from the explanations that the site provides. I will share the site with my friends who are studying and teaching music.


This aural training system was a great help.

Olivia Wilding
Music student

You have an excellent service which we recommend to our friends.

Kind Regards from New Zealand

The E-MusicMaestro aural trainer has helped me to pass my Grade 6, Grade 7 AND Grade 8 ABRSM clarinet exams. My mum is actually using it now for her Trinity piano exam because we think its the best way to practise aural - no stress like in lessons.

Lindsay Katrina

The aural website has been a real benefit to my son, as the teacher has been noticing - My son uses E-MusicMaestro Trinity Aural Grade 6. He was struggling at the start before using it, so I placed him on the program after the recommendation of his teacher. After less than a month usage he is now getting 90 - 100% correct and uses it 2 - 3 pieces daily (only takes him 20 to 30 mins daily). His teacher was so impressed. The regular usage has helped him a lot as it is ongoing practice regularly. We will definitely use it again for Grade 7 and 8. Thank you E-MusicMaestro for helping him and we are so glad we found you.

Stephen Chung

Just want to tell you I had great result this week. Entered (Trinity )10 pupils and 8 had distinction - they all did well in their aural tests, thanks to your website. The two grade 6 ones had a merit and the other had a pass. Both did well in their aural test too and they found the practice every day did make a difference; they both thought the multi choice on question 1 did really helped them to talk in the exam. So thank you again. Mary Thomas

Mary Thomas

I used this aural training for my grade 8 trinity. I got 9/10, I could never have done that without this. I absolutely love it!

Cherie Evans
Subscriber and teacher

What a wonderful website this is. Excellent!

John Hughes

Thanks for your email, and yes, the subscription was truly helpful in that I passed my grade 8 singing exam with its help. Yours gratefully. Christine

Christine Pearce

Students (and teachers) love the accessibility aspect of mobile devices to help with ear training, note reading, and scale practice. What a great resource!

Rebekah McCleary

The best thing about E-MusicMaestro is that it's great for students to have the possibility to practise aural exercises at home, rather than just once a week for a minutes in the piano lesson.

Joanne Snowden

E-MusicMaestro gives students accessibility to practicing ear training, etc. at home, which makes a lesson more effective!

Yvonne Chittle

The great thing about using E-MusicMaestro is that anything that develops aural skills develops the musician.

Kellie Skinner

E-MusicMaestro is a superb music education website, offering information, advice and top quality music resources that teach as well as test. E-MusicMaestro resources are unparalleled in scope, quality and value, which is why I highly recommend them to pupils, teachers and parents.

Tim Rogers
Head of Lancashire Music Service

Very impressed by E-MusicMaestro's online piano sight reading, especially being able to hear how the test should have sounded! It's the only sight reading method I know of that really helps dyslexic learners. There are loads of examples and my children are actually loving the tunes.

Linda Reilly
Piano teacher

I have used e-musicmaestro in the past to help with teaching exam syllabus pieces and found it very informative. I now feel it is a useful resource to assist with the supporting tests needed to help prepare pupils for exams. Thank you e-musicmaestro!

Alison Hart

I have used E-MusicMaestro aural test training myself for grade 7 and grade 8 - easy to access, fun and gave me confidence. Also easy to set up subscription and cancel. Recommending to pupils I am now teaching.

Lynne Davis

E-MusicMaestro has been really inspiring for pupils. The backing music to the scales makes scale practice so much more fun and helps the student to play rhythmically and in time.

Julie O'Dowd

I feel that E-MusicMaestro Piano Sight Reading may be a good resource for many of my students who struggle with the pressure of sight reading leading up to exams.

Stephen Raine

During your presentation on the 19th I was inspired by sound of backing tracks for learning scales. I think that playing it on the lessons will bring some fun and my pupils will love to play along with it! Many thanks.

Simon Lubov

Hello e-musicmaestro. Well, sadly the time has come for me to cancel my subscription to Trinity College Aural Test Training for Grade 5, but only because I have just scored a whopping 92% in my Grade 5 piano exam, which was entirely due to all the extra practice I got from your exercises for the aural component. So, it's onward and upwards now, and I shall be upgrading my subscription to Trinity Grade 6. Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to working with you again soon. Penny Pringle

Penny Pringle
Adult exam candidate

Thank you for such a wonderful resource. My daughter & I benefitted greatly from your aural training packages to help us to prepare for our initial & grade 3 trinity piano exams recently. We are now preparing for grade 1 & grade 4.

Nicki Weir
Parent and subscriber

Please can I now cancel my membership of both Trinity and ABRSM grade 8 aural training with E-MusicMaestro as I've now successfully passed both exams (I got 100% in the Trinity aural having used your programme lots and a distinction for the ABRSM!)

Janet Kelly
Subscriber and teacher

Your site was a useful resource to prepare my daughter for her Trinity exam. Kind regards, Bill


Trinity College London recommends E-MusicMaestro Aural Test Training to teachers, in the January 2017 newsletter. http://trinitycollegenews.co.uk/SCV-4P88G-224QUM9O1B/cr.aspx

Trinity music examinations board
Trinity College London

I’d like to thank you for your wonderful website. It really is a great help and I’m sure it is making a huge difference to my music practice. It helped me in preparing for my Grade 6 exam (which I’m very pleased to say I passed!). As an adult learner, I need all the help I can get and I certainly get it from your website!! Now I actually look forward to practising for the aural test, which in the past had always been a bit of a bugbear!

Kate Hunt

My daughter certainly used e-musicmaestro to her advantage as she achieved a Distinction in her Grade 6 exam. We will certainly return when Grade 7 is nearing.

Susan Anderson

I have just taken my grade 8 piano exam this afternoon, so hopefully I have passed, I would Like to thank you for the service your website provides, as there were no surprises regarding the aural section of the exam everything was as according to your aural exercises. Thank you again Paul Twamley

Paul Twamley

" E-MusicMaestro is now an essential part of my aural preparation for examinations. I encourage all students to enrol with the programme, it's an ideal 'at home aural skills coach' and, as a teacher, it's been a joy to see how much progress my students have made with aural teaching in lessons supported by E-MusicMaestro at home. I'd highly recommend it to anyone." Karen Marshall

Karen Marshall
Music Educator and Advisor

I recently took my Grade 7 clarinet exam as a more mature student. I originally learnt to play at school, so getting my aural up to speed was a huge task. I subscribed to your 6 month package, which I used in conjunction with ABRSM's own book and CD. Where yours is superior when learning is it offers help and explanations as to why the answer is what it is. I am very pleased to say that whilst my overall result was pass with merit I achieved distinction for my aural, only dropping one mark. My aural was largely self taught and I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks Ruth Wise

Ruth Wise
Adult clarinet student

I just wanted to ket you know that I passed my grade 8 piano exam with distinction! Thanks to E-MusicMaestro I felt well prepared for the aural part.  I can only recommend the system to anybody preparing for a music exam. Thanks for letting me use the system a bit longer. It was a life saver:) Best wishes Ulrike Fell

Ulrike Fell
Adult exam candidate

This really helped for my piano exam. Hope I will pass! I always listen to this to make sure it sounds like this. Also the tips were amazing! Thank you! (Re ABRSM Grade 1 pieces)

Chazzy Faena
Piano student

E-MusicMaestro is a fantastic teaching resource for both teachers and my pupils.

Kristin Lien
Piano teacher

My daughter has benefited from the practice on your website. It definitely helped her confidence and also her aural mark in her recent exam. I will be renewing when the current subscription ends, so that she can continue to practise.


This was for my daughter and it was very useful prior to her Trinity piano exam towards the end of last year. Will definitely use again :)

Joanne Davies

The customer service and music education has been great!

Finn Smith

We have just entered over 40 pupils for the latest round of Associated Board of Music exams. For each candidate, be it for a Grade 1 or Grade 8 exam, there will be a series of aural tests to complete as part of the exam. The aural tests exist because developing aural awareness is an important part of musical training. It is important that musicians are able to apply a ‘musical ear’ to all aspects of their learning and to their wider musicianship. At Sedbergh, we are very fortunate to benefit from unrestricted access to an online resource that helps pupils prepare for these aural tests. E-MusicMaestro, which was a finalist for ‘Best Digital/Technological Resource’ at the Music Education Expo in London for two years running, is a structured training programme that the pupils can access from their own computer with hundreds of practice questions as well as sources of advice that help to build confidence. We have been using the resource for over a year now to complement the training that pupils receive from teachers, and initial studies suggest that the average mark in the aural test section has risen by 20 per cent.

Chris Allinson
Director of Music at Sedbergh School

Dear E music maestro, I'd like to thank you and testify of the Goodness of Jesus, and your products! I scored 7/8 in aural classical guitar LCM exams thanks to all your tests and the man in the need more help section. I live in a remote area and have limited access to teachers, but maestro has been mine! So thanks, God bless, and will definitely keep subscribing, as I prepare for more exams and will definitely recommend this to all candidates! So grateful, Rhona.


Thank you. I found your aural training very useful.


Thank you e-musicmaestro , I only used it for a short time but it has helped me to pass my grade 8 aurals during my euphonium exam. It was the one thing I was not good at but got 9/10 and got 71/100 overall .Not bad for a 66 year old. I would recommend this to anyone who is having problems. Thank you Steve

Steve Adams
Adult exam candidate

Thanks very much we really enjoyed using your website and all the resources available.


Hi I only used your system for a short while but it did help me to pass my grade 8 euphonium (Trinity/Guildhall) so it did prove a good investment. Thank you Steve Adams

Steve Adams
Aural Test Training Subscriber

The samples and exercise on your website are very helpful and I would like to thank you for your effort and great work. I have also shared it with my friends. I find it very helpful as a self-paced learning tool when my son, aged 8, was preparing his grade 8 aural test. It is easy to navigate and use for a school child without any supervision from an adult. The immediate feedback and help in the program motivated my son to progress from lower level to grade 8.  Thank you!

Michelle Zhong
Aural Test Training Subscriber

I do enjoy the service. It was tremendously useful in studying for grade 1 violin and I am planning to use it for grade 2.

Aural Test Training Subscriber

The aural and sight reading tests we used for practising were fun and easy to use and very helpful. We will definitely look at using this again when it comes to exam time and we've already recommended it to our friends.

Alison G

For the moment I am cancelling my subscriptions but will very probably restart them later on in the year. The tests have been SO useful and I don't know what I would have done without them. Thanks for all your hard work. Kate

Adult Aural Test Training subscriber

I have today cancelled my subscription, which I took recently in order to prepare for the aural tests in the Trinity grade 8 singing exam. I took the exam last Thursday, and though I haven’t yet had the results, any success I had in the aural part owes much to your aural practice tests, which I used frequently. Thank you! Kind Regards Tim

Tim Frank Corner
Aural Test Training Subscriber

Hi yesterday I cancelled my subscription from you. Kara passed her Grade 5 saxophone exam with trinity securing a merit, only having played for 3 years we found all the technical side very helpful and would have ben lost without it. It is likely that sometime in 2019 she will be going for her next Grade and we will not hestitate to use you again or let our friends know about your page. Fab page well done all, without you we would of been lost as I could not have guided her, I have no music ability but that which she does have you have now enhanced Thanks Angela

Angela Woods

[Re: Learn to Sight Read: Piano books] I have just tried the iPhone camera and it works a treat! Delighted to be able to use the technology so easily. I would like to add how impressed I am with emusicmaestro in the years I’ve been using it. The YouTube performances for exam pieces are always excellent, and I’ve been recommending the subscription aural tests to pupils for some time. I have been teaching for over 40 years now and very much appreciate all the thought and musicianship that goes into what you do. You are a fantastic backup to my piano teaching.

Elizabeth Woodhouse
Piano teacher

Hello, I am wanting to cancel my subscription please but wanted to tell you that I have just passed my G8 piano and without your website, I would most definitely not have achieved the mark that I did. I went dreadfully wrong with one of my pieces and had convinced myself that I had failed but achieved nearly full marks for my aural tests and this is due to the hundreds of tests that I have done on this E-Music website. I am hoping to take on pupils now and will be pointing them to this website as soon as possible. I have also been looking at the sight reading books and think they are excellent! So helpful in an inspiring way as I even found myself, drawn into playing the rhythm to match the words! THANK YOU so very, very much. Kind regards, Isobel

Grade 8 piano exam candidate

The aural test package has been really useful and helped me a lot in preparing for my exam. I am sure I will come back to purchase the next level package in time to come! Kwok Ling May

Kwok Ling May
ABRSM exam candidate

Thanks to your site and the fantastic aural practice we could do on it, our son achieved a distinction at grade 8 piano with three months intense work. He is just 11 and now starts the cello, so we will be back when it comes to our next grade.

Sameena Ahmad

My pupils are really enjoying your books - they love the titles of the pieces and are getting in much more sight reading practice than ever before! Thank you.

Sue Craxton
Piano teacher

I take violin grade 5 in March. These tests are a Godsend. Many thanks. Jean

Exam candidate

May I take the opportunity to say that I find the Emusic maestro service fantastic - it has and is a huge help with aural training. With kind regards, Michele

Aural Test Training subscriber

Grade 8 passed. Your programme invaluable. Will use again pupils.  Jean Wilson

Jean Wilson

Thank you for the great and professional service from e-music maestro.

Music parent and aural test training subscriber

e-Music Maestro has been my go to resource for my child's aural test training. I will be definitely returning in the future.

Music parent

As an instrumental music teacher, this is the most useful programme I have in my teaching armoury. All my pupils use it. Best wishes Roxanne P.S. We all love the little dog.

Roxanne Benezra
Teacher at New Town Music

I must definitely mention that your email is very warm and understanding and really appreciate your forthcoming attitude to help a customer. Thank you ~ GD

Music Parent - Aural Test Training

We find your service very helpful, it is a very good resource.

Dr Francis Lee
Grandparent of several musical children

My daughter found the subscription very helpful in preparing for her guitar exam. I hope you still have lots of subscribers, something positive to do while in lockdown!

Music mum

I am really happy with your page and I constantly recommend it to my students.

Regina Lautwein

We have received the Learn to Sight Read books and my daughter is really enjoying them. I think the code is a fabulous idea!


Thank you for your awesome website!

Michelle B

Aural Test Training was extremely helpful - thank you. My daughter passed her grade 4 exam with a merit. Kindest regards, Elizabeth

Music mum

Thank you very much. Aural tests at e-musicmaestro were really helpful and helped me a lot in my preparation for Grade exams. Keep up the good work. Greetings from India.

Adult exam candidate

I have used the E-MusicMaestro web site for my son on/off over the years. It is a very good and reliable site with great customer support. Best Wishes ~ Sazan

Music parent

Thank you for providing this site. It's seen my daughter through to Grade 8 piano with good aural scores, some of them full marks. She may well be back to practice for her second instrument Grade 8 exam before too long.

Helen F
Music mum

Music Maestro was super helpful for me as I prepared for my grade 8 piano exam, which I passed last month at age 50. A life-long ambition achieved with your help! I've recommended it to several people & will continue to do so. Great!

Adult learner

Thanks for the excellent service - we love using the website!

Robert W
Music dad

E-MusicMaestro has been really useful for my daughter who sat her Grade 5 Violin exam on Tuesday this week, highly recommended.

Music dad

Just a quick thank you for your aural test training. I am doing my Grade 7 next week and am finding your material really helpful. Best wishes, Angus

Exam candidate

Your aural test service was recommended to us by my daughter's singing teacher, and was very useful when she was practicing for her singing exam.

J Matthew
Music parent

We do think your aural test training is the best we have found online! We have found the descriptions of the pieces for the final part of the grade 8 syllabus particularly helpful. We’ve used it so much that if you do want any other feedback, we would be very happy to provide it. I have also been spreading the word about it as we think it is so good!

Cathryn Dew
Music mum

I should like to cancel my subscription, since my daughter has now passed her Grade 8 and has no further need of the training programme. Thank you for the support this programme has given her. She found it very helpful.

Peter D
Music dad

Very helpful in getting used to the grade 7 aural tests and we look forward to using it again in the future.

Music dad